One Stop Solution for Professional Website Design and Development Services

Custom E Commerce Marketplace Package

Custom E Commerce Marketplace

$14000 $7000 Suitable for strong marketplaces where clients can come, sell their products and customers can come and puchase where you make commision out of every sale being done through the portal with multiple revenue models. Includes a strong R&D, Creative and Marketing team to help select every element towards their branding, create strong digital marketing and brand presence strategies.
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Package Includes

Unique Pages and UI Design

Complete Custom Development

Newsfeed Integration

Social Media Plugins Integration

Advanced Ecommerce Marketplace Features

Inventory Management

CRM (Customer Relation Management System)

Advanced Admin Features 2.0

Advanced User Features

Dashboard and Analytics

Seller/Shipping Distribution

Seller Profile Management

User Profile Management

General Configuration Features

Revenue Models

Featured products

Google advertisements

Flash sales Module

Loyalty Rewards Module

Upto 40 Stock images

10 Unique Banner Designs

JQuery Slider

Search Engine Submission

Free Google Friendly Sitemap

Social Media Page Designs (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Complete W3C Certified HTML

Complete Deployment

Money Back Guarantee